Sunday, April 23, 2017

J'adore cette chanson

One of the reasons I undertook this project was because I enjoy many songs in French but have no idea what they mean.  I figured taking some language lessons would help enlighten.

Who would I select to explore their lyrics?  Edith Piaf?  Eartha Kitt?  Jacques Brel?

After much consideration, I decided to take one of my favorites Complainte de la Butte and translate it into English.  I wanted to sing it, but decided to save you the joy of my singing voice.  Besides, who could top the joyous sound of Rufus Wainwright?  Without further ado, enjoy my translation.

 "Moulin Rouge" by Gabriel Villena licensed under CC BY 2.0

1 comment:

  1. Edith Piaf is a french legend. You got to see her movie. A nice story about her life.
    Jack Brel is also one of my favorite singer. Even though music is an international language, listening to songs is a good way to learn the french language. I find Jack Brel theatrical songs sometimes hard to understand but his songs tackle polemic issues like his song " Les bourgeois" or " The rich". Nice choice above. Thanks for sharing
